What is GDPR and what does it mean for me?
GDPR which is also known as the General Data Protection regulations is a new European law that comes into force on 25th of May 2018.
The aim of the new law is to give EU residents the control of their personal data.
GDPR will replace the 1995 Data Protection Directive.
The General Data Protection Regulations apply to anyone and everyone processing data.
- Businesses
- Charities
- Churches
- Health care practices
- Anyone else who processes personal data.
If an organisation does not comply with the GDPR laws they must either pay 4% of global total revenue or pay 20 million euros. Whichever is greater.
What does this mean for the customer?
Plain simple, here's what it means for someone like you, the customer.
- No more unwanted marketing spam
- Cleaner overview and insight - you can request that companies: hold but not process your data, stop processing your data completely, correct wrong data and delete all of your data.
- Take your data with
you - you are able to obtain a copy of all the data a company stores about you.
What about in the UK?
Even though the UK is leaving the European Union on the 29th of March next year, we will still adopt all EU laws until we get round to re-writing them. This means that even when the UK leave the EU we will still have to deal with GDPR.